Super Home Ideas

Home improvement tips and articles that will help you with your next project.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Gardening ideas to beautify your home

Flowers and plants are a great way to improve the look of your home. Whether you are looking to improve the inside or the outside of your home plants and flowers can spruce the place up.

Some people really get into their gardening and spend hours a week on making their garden and landscape look as good as humanly possible. Other people really like the look and feel that flowers and plants can give the interior of their home.

If you are one of these people you may want to check out this new website that I found. The name of the site is They have articles about perennials and annuals and many other topics.

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Easy Door Hinge Fixes

If you have a door on the interior or exterior of your home that sticks or does not swing openly properly you should first check the hinges.

First try tightening the screws on the door hinge and see if this fixes the problem, in many cases it will. If you find that tightening the screws does not work because the screw holes are stripped then you can simply use longer screws!

Longer screws will go deeper than your original hinge screws and this is the easiest way to fix that sticking door.

If you decide that you want to use original screws or if you want to repair the stripped screw holes you have a couple of options. You can stick coat a golf tee or some toothpicks into wood glue and then place it into the stripped out screw hole.

You will need to wait a number of hours for the wood glue to dry, preferably overnight. Once the glue is dried you can simply screw your original screws into the original hole. There you have it, your stripped out door hinge screw holes are fixed!

Now your door should open and close properly without sticking.

Be sure and stop by our brand new Forum where you can join up for free and ask any questions that you might have along with sharing your own tips and advice.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Forum Launched Today

Hi, I wanted to let everyone know that we have just launched our brand new home improvement forum.

Stop by and check it out. We are planning on offering some contests and prizes in the near future for our most active members.

As always, we rely on your feedback to improve the website and it will be the same on the brand new forum as well. We look forward to hearing your opinions and suggestions.

In addition to this we have created an option for our visitors to submit their own home improvement project ideas and tips. If you have something you would like to share visit this User tips page.

You can also submit projects that you have completed (or even ones that are in progress). If you do not know how to post your photos and story on the Internet, or don't wan't the hassle, then this may be just the option you are looking for. You can submit the project and description to me and I will put online for you at my site so that you can show it off.